Laura A. Jacobs, LCSW-R
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.
— Margaret Fuller

To Aid Your Clinical Growth

Whether you are a newer provider or a seasoned therapist new to these issues, I can aid your professional development around working with gender and sexually diverse clients. I offer occasional or ongoing clinical supervision because working with such individuals requires specific information and engagement skills, while the nuances can be challenging to learn.

I can also help if you’re a provider who is fluent with queer issues but need to process a client with another provider.

As someone with nearly 20 years providing mental health care to transgender and nonbinary, queer/LGBTQIA+, kinky/BDSM, consensually nonmonogamous/polyamorous, and sex worker clients, I am eager to offer my expertise.


Regulations vary by state; check with your local licensing boards if you intend to use your work with me toward licensure.


Get in touch

Please share a bit about your professional needs and we can discuss whether I might be the supervisor for you.
